Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is essentially important for us and our whole company, as part of the society we live in. We strive to make policies that ensure the highest standards in ethical behavior, environmental sustainability, privacy, and much more.

Our Corporate Social Responsibilities

Media Feathers is focusing on these corporate responsibilities which includes:

  • Social Responsibility
  • Environmental Responsibility
  • Privacy Responsibility
  • Workplace Responsibility

Social Responsibility

At Media Feathers, we work as a team and a community that embraces its surroundings. We firmly believe in embracing ethical responsibility and aim to practice ethical behavior through fair treatment of all stakeholders, including leadership, investors, employees, and customers. This is why we take care of everyone as a responsible media agency in the environment that we work in.

In order set a standard, we have set a higher minimum wage of our employees more than average minimum wage, or that set by the state or federal government as “minimum livable wage”. Likewise, we deal with diverse, local, and socially responsible clients and partners, consult community stakeholders about business decisions and work with clients that impact the society in a positive way.

Environmental Responsibility

With deteriorating environment and climate change, we understand what it takes to make a change. As human beings living on this planet, it is OUR responsibility to help save it in any way we can. Our climate is changing in alarmingly harmful ways that we will regret in the future and are already experiencing some of it.

This is why we have come forward to help change our environment and bring a positive change and we have a vision of changing it in near future. We have already started to work on our climate change initiative starting with reducing our carbon footprint. We know how much carbon impacts our climate and this is why we utilise strategies and use things that have less to no carbon foot prints.

Apart from that, we are improving energy efficiency to help boost our reduction of carbon foot print initiatives. Furthermore, we are reducing waste, water use and emissions to help us and our society bringing a climate change revolution.

Privacy Responsibility

In the digital times when everything is accessible through internet, we believe in protecting everyone’s privacy and maintain highest standards when dealing with any personal or private information. We try our level best and maintain the privacy of all our clients, employees, and any partners involved. We believe that it is our responsibility and basic human right to protect anyone’s privacy.

In any dealing whether it is with the employees, the clients or anyone else, we maintain their trust in us and our company. We thoroughly understand the risks related to privacy and security in the digital field and how it can affect our clients and our business. This is why we take precise measures to safeguard any personal or sensitive information of our clients, employees, or anyone in question ensuring high standards of safety and security.

Workplace Responsibility

With our social and environmental responsibilities we also have workplace responsibilities to fulfill. Our social responsibility policy also includes workplace health, safety and environment, human rights, and harassment laws that we strictly implement in our work premises. Media Feathers treats its employees fairly and with respect, and harassment in any form is not allowed or encouraged in any way.

We at Media Feathers strive to provide a safe, secure, productive, and healthy work environment, where each member and team can give the highest performance in a well-managed space. Each member is responsible for behaving in accordance with Media Feathers’ values and management practices.

We at Media Feathers try our level best to improve workplace diversity by adding people regardless of their race, gender or anything else in that matter of context. We focus on equality by treating everyone fairly regardless of their gender, race, or background.

Apart from that, we strive to maintain and enhance workplace health and safety by taking are of all our employees utilizing different policies that help them grow without encountering any obstacle that harms their physical health, mental health, and/or their safety or privacy whether physical or digital.

We strictly follow our code of ethics at our workplace which means harassment and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Furthermore, Media Feathers follow a smoke free workplace policy which prohibits any employee to smoke in the office premises, ensuring a healthy environment. 

Setting The Highest Standards

The bedrock of our corporate responsibility rests upon principles deeply rooted in common values. Corporate responsibility is the tenet of our enterprise, and we firmly stand by its virtues. At Media Feathers, we adhere and maintain our values to the highest standards. We work and hope to make a healthy environment both within our organization and throughout. Media Feathers is dedicated to leaving a positive impact on the lives we touch, thereby setting high standards for others to follow. Together, we are confident in achieving resounding success.

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