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Ticket manage

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Live messaging

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Email workflow

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File upload

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01 Billing

  • Billing of all Inpatient and outpatient consultancy and services with details of Patient Information, Services provided daily like Room rent, Operation, Delivery, Oxygen & Other Gases, Consultation, Nursing Charges, Laboratory tests, X-ray, Ultrasound, Medicines, Procedures, etc.
  • Paper-Based and Electronic Claim billing services to insurance companies
  • Vital data for MIS reports
  • Payment Overdue alerts for better revenue cycle management

02 Appointment & Scheduling

  • The Appointment & Scheduling module of Hospital Management Software is designed to manage the effective scheduling of appointments of patients for the doctors, laboratory, and radiology services.
  • Quick and effective patient scheduling
  • Online and offline appointment availability
  • Patients and staff can check appointment status

03 Outpatient Management

  • Outpatient Management module of Dental Software eDentra is designed to manage everything related to Outpatient activities.
  • Straightforward Patient Billing / Insurance Claims and Collection
  • Organized services, e.g., Consulting Services, Procedures, Medicines, X-Ray, Labs, MRI, etc.
  • Manage invoice, payment due, and advance payment.

04 Inpatient Management

  • Inpatient Management module of hospital management system is designed to manage all Inpatient department needs. Patient Demographics along with the details of Admission, Room, Consultant, Surgeon, Diet, etc. and the Advance Payment made are entered into this EHR System
  • Unique admissions number generated for each patient
  • Easily manage admissions, discharges, and transfers
  • Quickly search for and allocate a bed, ward, and room by availability or cost

05 Pharmacy Management

  • Pharmacy Management module of hospital management system is used to manage a complete pharmacy shop. Additionally, it can be linked to the main billing. As the patient collects medicines from the pharmacy shop, their charges will automatically transfer to the patient's billing.
  • Receive prescriptions from consulting doctors; send dispensing unit down to a particular patient, without any need for manual intervention
  • Oversee drug distribution, management of stock
  • Avoid incorrect distribution of medication

06 Radiology Management

  • Radiology Management module of Hospital Management manages all radiology services. As the radiology tests are booked at the reception desk, the request is automatically sent to the radiology department.
  • Centralized reporting tool for CT, MRI, Ultrasound, X-ray, and PACS
  • Generates billing for inpatient and outpatient
  • Radiology reports available via patient portal enabling complete paperless solution

07 Blood Bank Management

  • Blood Bank Management module of hospital management system provides the platform for the critical functionalities of a Blood bank, encompassing a blood request process and the issuance and management of stock.
  • It maintains records of blood collection and transfusion, donor, and recipient reactions.
  • It maintains records of blood group availability at the diagnostic center.
  • It generates various reports based on the following; Area wise, Stocks-Blood Groupwise, and expiry reports.

08 Ambulance Management

  • Ambulance Management of hospital management system manages the ambulance services provided by the hospital. It keeps track of the hospital and external vendor's ambulances.
  • It maintains records of blood collection and transfusion, donor, and recipient reactions.
  • It maintains records of blood group availability at the diagnostic center.
  • It generates various reports based on the following; Area wise, Stocks-Blood Groupwise, and expiry reports.

09 Births And Deaths Records Management

  • Births and Deaths records system is one of the vital module of the Hospital Management System , which has automated the whole process of births & deaths registration , verification, issuance of certificates, corrections and inclusion of the child’s name etc.

10 Human Resource

  • Human Resource is a Staff management module, for staff working management of hospital such as medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, administration staffs etc. offering roster creation, day/night shifts management and operation room standby management etc.
  • It updates the job description of employees, updates the hospital structure, tracks the recruiting records.
  • It also helps to record the staff attendance

11 Live Consultation

  • Live Consultation is a module that used for live viedeo chat and meetings with doctors
  • There are several ways to reach out to a doctor without the need to visit a hospital, all thanks to technology. With the online facility available, doctor consultations have become easier, which can help you get the right health care.

Two simple steps to start managing your Hospital With an online Software

  • Contact Us Step - 01

    Fill out the form below to contact us and get your system now.

  • Setup Your System Step - 02

    Setup Your Hospital Management System with Us.

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